Processes, on the other hand, always have their own private memory space. 进程,另一方面,常常有它们自己的私有内存空间。
PRIVATE for miscellaneous private memory requirements 对于各种私有内存需求,名称为PRIVATE
The qualifying records ( only the relevant columns) are copied to a private memory pool to be filtered by a stage-2 predicate. 通过阶段2谓词过滤被复制到私人内存池的合格的记录(只是有关列)。
Because each application that attaches to a database requires some private memory to be allocated, allowing a larger number of concurrent applications will use more memory. 由于需要给连接到数据库的每个应用程序分配一些私有内存,因此允许有更多并发应用程序将意味着用去更多内存。
The SPEs access main storage with direct memory access ( DMA) commands that move data and instructions between main storage and a private local memory, called a local store or local storage ( LS). SPE用直接内存访问(DMA)命令访问主存储器,可以在主存储器与称为本地库或本地存储(LS)的私有本地内存之间移动数据和指令。
We have mentioned that private memory is allocated to a DB2 agent when the agent is "assigned" to perform work. 我们曾提到,私有内存是在一个DB2代理被“指派”执行任务时分配给该代理的。
To be clear, this is the private memory that has been committed by the process. 更确切地说,这是进程所提交的内存。
So far we have discussed the instance shared memory, the database shared memory, the application group shared memory and the agent private memory. 至此,我们已经讨论了实例共享内存、数据库共享内存和应用程序组共享内存以及代理私有内存。
The agent private memory is allocated in any free space between the shared libraries. 代理私有内存是从共享库之间的任意空闲空间中分配的。
The sort heap is a memory pool that belongs to the agent private memory set. sortheap是属于代理私有内存集的一个内存池。
If you create a joinable thread but forget to join it, its resources or private memory are always kept in the process space and never reclaimed. 如果您创建一个可接合的线程,但是忘记联接它,其资源或私有内存一直保存在进程空间中,从未进行回收再利用。
APPHEAPSZ is a database configuration parameter that definesthe number of private memory pages available to be used by the database manager on behalf of a specific agent or subagent. APPHEAPSZ是一个数据库配置参数,它定义了代表某个特定代理程序或子代理程序的数据库管理器可以使用的私有内存页数。
If there are many idle agents and all of them retain their private memory, it is possible that the system runs out of memory. 如果有很多的闲置代理,并且所有这些闲置代理都保留了它们的私有内存,那么就可能导致系统耗尽内存。
Agent private memory may be paged out if the agent has been idle for a long time. 如果代理闲置了较长的一段时间,则其代理私有内存将被调出。
Db2pd still can't report private memory allocations db2pd仍不能报告私有内存的分配情况
In between the shared libraries, the segments in orange are the agent private memory. 在共享库之间,橙色的段是代理私有内存。
To understand the difference between shared and private memory, let's first learn about the DB2 agent processes by quickly reviewing the DB2 process model. 为了理解共享内存与私有内存之间的不同之处,首先让我们通过快速阅读DB2进程model来了解一下DB2代理进程。
This article teaches you the basics of DB2 memory usage and the concepts of shared memory and private memory. 本文将向您传授DB2内存使用的基础,以及共享内存和私有内存的概念。
Db2mtrk can report private memory allocations, but weak in other areas db2mtrk可以报告私有内存的分配情况,但在其他方面比较弱
A query heap is used to store each query in the agent's private memory. 查询堆用于在代理的私有内存中存储每个查询。
In addition, they have their own agent private memory. 此外,它们有其自己的代理私有内存。
This parameter defines the maximum number of private memory pages to be used for private sorts or the maximum number of shared memory pages to be used for shared sorts. 该参数定义用于私有排序的私有内存页面的最大数目,或用于共享排序的共享内存页面的最大数目。
This is designed to improve performance, because the agent will have its private memory ready when it is called again. 这样设计是为了提高性能,因为当代理被再次调用时,它便有准备好的私有内存。
All shared memory pools which would normally be part of a memory set on UNIX ( buffer pools, dbheap, etc.) are all allocated in the private memory set of db2sysc as required. 在UNIX中,所有共享内存池通常都是某个内存集(例如缓冲池,dbheap,等等)的一部分,而在Windows中,这些共享内存池都是根据需要从db2sysc的私有内存集中分配的。
An agent private memory set for agent y; 用于代理y的代理私有内存集。
You can now configure a private memory cache for every CPUVP to decrease the time of server memory allocation on large multiprocessor computers. 现在可以为每个CPUVP配置一个私有内存缓存,以减少大型多处理器计算机上的服务器内存分配时间。
But what does shared memory and private memory mean? 但是共享内存和私有内存的意义是什么呢?
When an agent becomes idle, it retains its agent private memory. 当代理变成闲置代理时,它仍然保留了其代理的私有内存。
However, it can be changed to a higher address so more room is left for agent private memory. 不过,也可以将其改为一个更高的地址,以便有更多的空间留给代理私有内存。